Zu Spät: Hackfest Hamburg

Warum hast Du mir das angetan?
Ich hab’s von einem Bekannten erfahren.

— Die Ärtze, Debil, Zu Spät

Its been more than two years since the last Hackfest in Hamburg! So we are indeed much too late (german: Zu Spät) with repeating this wonderful Event. Right a day after everyone updated his or her Desktop to Wily Werewolf we will meet for a weekend of happy hacking again in Hamburg!

Hamburg Hackfest 2013 - carelessly stolen from Eikes Retrospective
Hamburg Hackfest 2013 – carelessly stolen from Eikes Retrospective

So now, we will meet again. You are invited to drop by this weekend, we will celebrate a bit on Friday evening (ignoring the german culinary advise in the song linked above about “Currywurst and Pommes Fritz” — I imagine we prefer Club Mate and Pizza) and hack on LibreOffice on Saturday and Sunday. Curious new faces are more then welcome!