Following the White Rabbit

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head, feed your head

— Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit

So, this was intended as a quick and smooth addendum to the “50 ways to fill your vector” post, bringing callgrind into the game and ensuring everyone that its instructions counts are a good proxy for walltime performance of your code. This started out as mostly as expected, when measuring the instructions counts in two scenarios:

implementation/cflags -O2 not inlined -O3 inlined
A1 2610061438 2510061428
A2 2610000025 2510000015
A3 2610000025 2510000015
B1 3150000009 2440000009
B2 3150000009 2440000009
B3 3150000009 2440000009
C1 3150000009 2440000009
C3 3300000009 2440000009

The good news here is, that this mostly faithfully reproduces some general observations on the timings from the last post on this topic, although the differences in callgrind are more pronounced in callgrind than in reality:

  • The A implementations are faster than the B and C implementations on -O2 without inlining
  • The A implementations are slower (by a smaller amount) than the B and C implementations on -O3 with inlining

The last post also suggested the expectation that all implementations could — and with a good compiler: should — have the same code and same speed when everything is inline. Apart from the A implementations still differing from the B and C ones, callgrinds instruction count suggest to actually be the case. Letting gcc compile to assembler and comparing the output, one finds:

  • Inline A1-3 compile to the same output on -Os, -O2, -O3 each. There is no difference between -O2 and -O3 for these.
  • Inline B1-3 compile to the same output on -Os, -O2, -O3 each, but they differ between optimization levels.
  • Inline C3 output differs from the others and between optimization levels.
  • Without inlinable constructors, the picture is the same, except that A3 and B3 now differ slightly from their kin as expected.

So indeed most of the implementations generate the same assembler code. However, this is quite a bit at odd with the significant differences in performance measured in the last post, e.g. B1/B2/B3 on -O2 created widely different walltimes. So time to test the assumption that running one implementation for a minute is producing reasonable statistically stable result, by doing 10 1-minute runs for each implementation and see what the standard deviation is. The following is found for walltimes (no inline constructors):

implementation/cflags -Os -O2 -O3 -O3 -march=
A1 80.6 s 78.9 s 78.9 s 79.0 s
A2 78.7 s 78.1 s 78.0 s 79.2 s
A3 80.7 s 78.9 s 78.9 s 78.9 s
B1 84.8 s 80.8 s 78.0 s 78.0 s
B2 84.8 s 86.0 s 78.0 s 78.1 s
B3 84.8 s 82.3 s 79.7 s 79.7 s
C1 84.4 s 85.4 s 78.0 s 78.0 s
C3 86.6 s 85.7 s 78.0 s 78.9 s
no inline measurements
no inline measurements

And with inlining:

implementation/cflags -Os -O2 -O3 -O3 -march=
A1 76.4 s 74.5 s 74.7 s 73.8 s
A2 75.4 s 73.7 s 73.8 s 74.5 s
A3 76.3 s 74.6 s 75.5 s 73.7 s
B1 80.6 s 77.1 s 72.7 s 73.7 s
B2 81.4 s 78.9 s 72.0 s 72.0 s
B3 80.6 s 78.9 s 72.8 s 73.7 s
C1 81.4 s 78.9 s 72.0 s 72.0 s
C3 79.7 s 80.5 s 72.9 s 77.8 s
inline measurements
inline measurements

The standard deviation for all the above values is less than 0.2 seconds. That is … interesting: For example, on -O2 without inlining, B1 and B2 generate the same assembler output, but execute with a very significant difference in hardware (5.2 s difference, or more than 25 standard deviations). So how have logic and proportion fallen sloppy dead here? If the same code is executed — admittedly from two different locations in the binary — how can that create such a significant difference in walltime performance, while not being visible at all on callgrind? A wild guess, which I have not confirmed yet, is cache locality: When not inlining constructors, those might be in CPU cache from one copy of the code in the binary, but not for the other. And by the way, it might also hint at the reasons for the -march= flag (which creates bigger code) seeming so uneffective. And it might explain, why performance is rather consistent when using inline constructors. If so, the impact of this is certainly interesting. It also suggest that allowing inlining of hotspots, like recently done with the low-level sw::Ring class, produces much more performance improvement on real hardware than the meager results measured with callgrind. And it reinforces the warning made in that post about not falling in the trap of mistaking the map for the territory: callgrind is not a “map in the scale of a mile to the mile”.

Addendum: As said in the previous post, I am still interested in such measurements on other hardware or compilers. All measurements above done with gcc 4.8.3 on Intel i5-4200U@1.6GHz.

LibreOffice around the world

Around the world, Around the world
— Daft Punk, Around the world

So, you still heard that unfounded myth that it is hard to get involved with and to start contributing to LibreOffice? Still? Even though that there are our Easy Hacks and the LibreOffice developer are a friendly bunch that will help you get started on mailing lists and on IRC? If those alone do not convince you, it might be because it is admittedly much easier to get started if you meet people face to face — like on one of our upcoming Events! Especially our Hackfests are a good way to get started. The next one will be at the University de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria were we had been guests last year already. We presented some introduction talks to the students of the university and then went on to hack on LibreOffice from fixing bugs to implementing new stuff. Here is how that looked like last year:

LibreOffice Hackfest Gran Canaria 2014
LibreOffice Hackfest Gran Canaria 2014

One thing we learned from previous Hackfests was that it is great if newcomers have a way to start working on code right away. While it is rather easy to do that as the 5 minute video on our wiki shows, it might still take some time on some notebooks. So what if you spontaneously show up at the event without a pre-build LibreOffice? Well for that, we now have — thanks to Christian Lohmaier of the Document Foundation staffremote virtual machines prepared for Hackfests, that allow you to get started right away with everything prepared — on rather beefy hardware even, that is.

If you are a student at ULPGC or live in Las Palmas or on the Canary Islands, we invite you to join us to learn how to get started. For students, this is also a very good opportunity get involved and prepare for a Google Summer of Code on LibreOffice. Furthermore, if you are a even casual contributor to LibreOffice code already and want to help out sharing and deepen knowledge on how to work on LibreOffice code, you should get in contact with the Document Foundation — while the event is already very soon now, there still might be travel reimbursal available. You will find all the details on the wiki page for the Hackfest in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2015.

LibreOffice Evening Hacking
LibreOffice Evening Hacking in Las Palmas 2014

On the other hand, if two weeks is too short a notice for you, but the rest of this sounds really tempting, there is already the next Hackfest planned, which will take place in Cambridge in the United Kingdom in May. We will be there with a Hackfest for the first time and invite you to join us from anywhere in Europe if you either are a LibreOffice code contributor or if you are interested in learning more on how to become one. Again, there is a wiki page with the details on the LibreOffice Hackfest in Cambridge 2015, and travel reimbursals are available. Contact us!

LibreOffice Evening Hacking
How I imagine Cambridge in May — Photo by Andrew Dunn CC-BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia

50 ways to fill your vector …

“The problem is all inside your head” she said to me
“The answer is easy if you take it logically”
— Paul Simon, 50 ways to leave your lover

So recently I tweaked around with these newfangled C++11 initializer lists and created an EasyHack to use them to initialize property sequences in a readable way. This caused a short exchange on the LibreOffice mailing list, which I assumed had its part in motivating Stephans interesting post “On filling a vector”. For all the points being made (also in the quick follow up on IRC), I wondered how much the theoretical “can use a move constructor” discussed etc. really meant when the C++ is translated to e.g. GENERIC, then GIMPLE, then amd64 assembler, then to the internal RISC instructions of the CPU — with multiple levels of caching in addition.

So I quickly wrote the following (thanks so much for C++11 having the nice std::chrono now).


#include <vector>
struct Data {
    Data(int a);
    int m_a;
void DoSomething(std::vector<Data>&);


#include "data.hxx"
// noop in different compilation unit to prevent optimizing out what we want to measure
void DoSomething(std::vector<Data>&) {};
Data::Data() : m_a(4711) {};
Data::Data(int a) : m_a(a+4711) {};


#include "data.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>

void A1(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec { Data(), Data(), Data() };

void A2(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec { {}, {}, {} };

void A3(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec { 0, 0, 0 };

void B1(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec;

void B2(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec;

void B3(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec;

void C1(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec;

void C3(long count) {
    while(--count) {
        std::vector<Data> vec;

double benchmark(const char* name, std::function<void (long)> testfunc, const long count) {
    const auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    const auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    const std::chrono::duration<double> delta = end-start;
    std::cout << count << " " << name << " iterations took " << delta.count() << " seconds." << std::endl;
    return delta.count();

int main(int, char**) {
    long count = 10000000;
    while(benchmark("A1", &A1, count) < 60l)
        count <<= 1;
    std::cout << "Going with " << count << " iterations." << std::endl;
    benchmark("A1", &A1, count);
    benchmark("A2", &A2, count);
    benchmark("A3", &A3, count);
    benchmark("B1", &B1, count);
    benchmark("B2", &B2, count);
    benchmark("B3", &B3, count);
    benchmark("C1", &C1, count);
    benchmark("C3", &C3, count);
    return 0;


main: main.o data.o
    g++ -o $@ $^

%.o: %.cxx data.hxx
    g++ $(CFLAGS) -std=c++11 -o $@ -c $<

Note the object here is small and trivial to copy as one would expect from objects passed around as values (as expensive to copy objects mostly can be passed around with a std::shared_ptr). So what did this measure? Here are the results:

Time for 1280000000 iterations on a Intel i5-4200U@1.6GHz (-march=core-avx2) compiled with gcc 4.8.3 without inline constructors:

implementation / CFLAGS -Os -O2 -O3 -O3 -march=…
A1 89.1 s 79.0 s 78.9 s 78.9 s
A2 89.1 s 78.1 s 78.0 s 80.5 s
A3 90.0 s 78.9 s 78.8 s 79.3 s
B1 103.6 s 97.8 s 79.0 s 78.0 s
B2 99.4 s 95.6 s 78.5 s 78.0 s
B3 107.4 s 90.9 s 79.7 s 79.9 s
C1 99.4 s 94.4 s 78.0 s 77.9 s
C3 98.9 s 100.7 s 78.1 s 81.7 s

creating a three element vector without inlined constructors
And, for comparison, following are the results, if one allows the constructors to be inlined.
Time for 1280000000 iterations on a Intel i5-4200U@1.6GHz (-march=core-avx2) compiled with gcc 4.8.3 with inline constructors:

implementation / CFLAGS -Os -O2 -O3 -O3 -march=…
A1 85.6 s 74.7 s 74.6 s 74.6 s
A2 85.3 s 74.6 s 73.7 s 74.5 s
A3 91.6 s 73.8 s 74.4 s 74.5 s
B1 93.4 s 90.2 s 72.8 s 72.0 s
B2 93.7 s 88.3 s 72.0 s 73.7 s
B3 97.6 s 88.3 s 72.8 s 72.0 s
C1 93.4 s 88.3 s 72.0 s 73.7 s
C3 96.2 s 88.3 s 71.9 s 73.7 s

creating a three element vector without inlined constructors
Some observations on these measurements:

  • -march=... is at best neutral: The measured times do not change much in general, they only even slightly improve performance in five out of 16 cases, and the two cases with the most significant change in performance (over 3%) are actually hurting the performance. So for the rest of this post, -march=... will be ignored. Sorry gentooers. 😉
  • There is no silver bullet with regard to the different implementations: A1, A2 and A3 are the faster implementations when not inlining constructors and using -Os or -O2 (the quickest A* is ~10% faster than the quickest B*/C*). However when inlining constructors and using -O3, the same implementations are the slowest (by 2.4%).
  • Most common release builds are still done with -O2 these days. For those, using initializer lists (A1/A2/A3) seem too have a significant edge over the alternatives, whether constructors are inlined or not. This is in contrast to the conclusions made from “constructor counting”, which assumed these to be slow because of additional calls needed.
  • The numbers printed in bold are either the quickest implementation in a build scenario or one that is within 1.5% of the quickest implementation. A1 and A2 are sharing the title here by being in that group five times each.
  • With constructors inlined, everything in the loop except DoSomething() could be inline. It seems to me that the compiler could — at least in theory — figure out that it is asked the same thing in all cases. Namely, reserve space for three ints on the heap, fill them each with 4711 and make the ::std::vector<int> data structure on the stack reflect that, then hand that to the DoSomething() function that you know nothing about. If the compiler would figure that out, it would take the same time for all implementations. This doesnt happen either on -O2 (differ by ~18% from quickest to slowest) nor on -O3 (differ by ~3.6%).

One common mantra in applications development is “trust the compiler to optimize”. The above observations show a few cracks in the foundations of that, esp. if you take into account that this is all on the same version of the same compiler running on the same platform and hardware with the same STL implementation. For huge objects with expensive constructors, the constructor counting approach might still be valid. Then again, those are rarely statically initialized as a bigger bunch into a vector. For the more common scenario of smaller objects with cheap constructors, my tentative conclusion so far would be to go with A1/A2/A3 — not so much because they are quickest in the most common build scenarios on my platform, but rather because the readability of them is a value on its own while the performance picture is muddy at best.

And hey, if you want to run the tests above on other platforms or compilers, I would be interested in results!

Note: I did these runs for each scenario only once, thus no standard deviation is given. In general, they seemed to be rather stable, but this being wallclock measurements, one or the other might be outliers. caveat emptor.